Monday, January 19, 2015

Rethinking my motivational list.

It's pretty hard to stick to the New Years resolutions, but it helps if you have a goal or a specific date. Which is what I did for my wedding. I had to be fitter for a specific date and that was in my head all the time. 

This time it's prep for a baby. I want to be fitter and healthier, not an unrealistic stick size but I would be happy being 1 or 2 sizes smaller, and increasing my fitness level. ie. When you walk up stairs and you are stuffed after 2 flights! 
Also if I get into the routine now, then I can stick to it while being pregnant. 

So this is my revised list, which I will print out/write out, and put somewhere where I look everyday, to remind me. 

What has been tough this year for you. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Joined Bloglovin

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy New Year!

Well one of the things that everyone is thinking of around this time of year is New Years resolutions. 
What do I want to do different this year, I want to be better this year. 

Well mine is not to worry so much about work, don't think about work when I get home, don't sweat the small things, concentrate on a healthy lifestyle more and and do one sweet thing for my hubby every week. 

There really are more important things than worrying about work. And life doesn't wait for you, like summer. It will still come around whether you do something or do nothing. 
So my main goal is being healthier and doing more exercise. 

What would be your New Years resolution. 


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