Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just a quickie....

This is just a quick post to hi and to let you know all is ok. Have been super busy and so much has happened in the year. Moved jobs twice. Wasn't happy with the company I was working for so moved, then that company was really bad, bad attitude and backstabbing, not the environment I wanted to be envied in, so move on, now am with this company. Also hubby moved jobs too. So far so good, and the people seem really nice it is the people and the atmosphere that makes a place of work tolerable. Then there are still issues with the house we bought. You really do have to watch for cowboy builders who do it the cheap way. Then my friend got married aswell, last year was an amazing amazing wedding, the speaches were beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. One of my other friends are getting married this year that's going to good too. Then xmas came and went, cannot believe it is 2012 already. Just time flies by so quickly,just celebrated hubby bday the other weekend. And my 30th is coming up soon too eeek.

So it has been a busy year. What you even up to the past year.
Any new years resolutions ?
Mine is to be more healthy, (that is on everyones top ten) and to be more organized at home.



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